Church of Ireland
Calry Parish Church
Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh
Notice Sheet
12 January 2025 – 1st Sunday after Epiphany
Rector: Ven Patrick Bamber Tel: 071 91 46513
Associate Minister: Canon Ronnie Bourke
email: rector@calry.ie fb:/calryparishchurch www.calry.ie Day off – Monday
A diverse yet unified community of all ages, sharing the message of Jesus by word and deed in Sligo and beyond.
Happy New Year!
This is the first Sunday after Epiphany, when we think about the baptism of Jesus.
Bible readings are: Isaiah 43.1-7, Psalm 29 and Luke 3.15-22.
Sunday School resumes today.
Many thanks to Richard Mitchell for playing last Sunday and to Mette Kavanagh for playing today.
Hymns are: 196 O worship the Lord; 305 O Breath of life come sweeping through us;
204 When Jesus came to Jordan; 481 God is working his purpose out.
3.00 pm St John’s Hospital Evening Prayer.
Main Sunday Services
Date | Name | Details |
19th January | 2nd after Epiphany | 11.00 pm Service of the Word |
26th January | 3rd after Epiphany | 11.00 am Holy Communion |
2nd February | Presentation of Christ | 11.00 am All Age |
Tuesday Bible Study – 11.15-12.30 pm in the Rectory.
Wednesday Alpha Course - the final session of Alpha is on Wednesday at 7.30 pm.
Confirmation Preparation and CU - The Cabin, SGS Friday at 3.15 pm.
Saturday 8 am Inter-church Prayer Meeting
18th January Presbyterian Church David Clarke
25th January Manorhamilton Matthew & Pam Boardwell
Youth Nights
Claudio and the Youth for Christ team are leading a monthly Youth Night held in The Crib, Rockwood Parade on Saturdays 7.00 – 9.30 pm. Dates are: 11 January, 8 February, 8 March, 5 April.
It was very sad to hear the news that Ruth Bourke’s sister, Dorothy Kansal died suddenly. She lived at Myrtle Beach in South Carolina and leaves behind two adult daughters.
DR Congo
The rebel M23 group has recently taken control of a town in the east of the country near Goma. Please pray for peace and justice.
Fundraiser Feedback
You may like to know that the rendition of Handel’s Messiah in Calry on Saturday 14 December raised €1543.00. And the combined collections for the Bishops’ Appeal for the Middle East amounted to €674.00.
Select Vestry
The next meeting of the SV is due to take place on Thursday 23rd January at 8.00 pm.
Family in LA
Pippa’s sister and brother-in-law and their three adult daughters live in one of the suburbs of LA affected by the fires. Thankfully, their home was spared though there was damage outside. Are there other church members with family or friends affected by the fires? Why not use this prayer written by Pete Greig as you pray?
Lord of Los Angeles,
do you see these tens of thousands suddenly in agony grieving the loss of a loved one, a livelihood, a home?
Jesus of Nazareth, God of Golgotha,
just days ago these people were celebrating (in homes they’ve lost, with loved ones they’ve lost) your coming at Christmas. Come again I pray to our broken world. Sit with those suffering in the City of Angels, weep with us in the valley of devastation.
+ Kyrie Eleison, Lord have mercy.
Creator God,
I ask you for meteorological miracles - an urgent change in the Santa Ana winds, the visitation of rain. Protect and strengthen first responders and firefighters working ceaselessly to quell the flames in Palisades and Eaton, Lidia, Hurst and Hollywood Hills. Renew them I pray with supernatural strength.
+ Kyrie Eleison, Lord have mercy.
Consuming Fire,
we are brought to our knees, confronted by the fragility of life. Let salvation arise from devastation. Lord of Los Angeles, God of the Angel Armies, rescue us. Deliver us. Save us through fire that we may turn again to you.
+ Kyrie Eleison, Lord have mercy.
New Bishop of Paraguay
Iglesia Anglicana Paraguaya - The Anglican Church of Paraguay – have settled on a new bishop. It is Revd Ronald Irene - Tammy’s dad! The consecration is due to take place in Asunción on 27 March.
Appeal for Help
A young woman in her 20s is looking to rent a small house for herself and her 6 year old dog. Do you know of anything? Talk to Patrick.
Could you use a 3 year old Brother A3 size ink-jet printer? It’s free to a good home! Ask Patrick for details.
Flower Rota
The rotas for 2025 have been made by Yvonne. Please note that there are some vacant slots. Perhaps you have never helped with flower arranging in church before. Maybe you would like to take a turn? Speak to Yvonne to find out more.
New Sligo Men’s Fellowship
SLIGO MEN'S FELLOWSHIP will be starting on 7" February 12 noon – 1.00 pm in Sligo Methodist Church.
As a Men’s Fellowship in Sligo, we aim to:
+ find ways to study the word of God and apply it in practical ways to daily life
+ find common grounds to address challenges that are faced with men in general
The latest edition is ready for collection, thanks to Yvonne. If you don’t currently receive the magazine a year’s supply only costs €20.
Extra Prayer Points
- a new government to be formed in Ireland working for the common good
- housing crisis in Ireland and here in Sligo
- the situation in LA
- DR Congo and our link diocese of Kindu
- an end to the carnage and suffering in Gaza, Ukraine, Sudan
‘Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.’ Isaiah 43.1b