Church of Ireland
Calry Parish Church
Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh
Notice Sheet
1 September 2024 – Trinity XIV
Rector: Ven Patrick Bamber Tel: 071 91 46513
Associate Minister: Canon Ronnie Bourke
email: fb:/calryparishchurch Day off – Monday
A diverse yet unified community of all ages, sharing the message of Jesus by word and deed in Sligo and beyond.
Welcome to this morning’s All Age Service.
Scripture portions are: Song of Solomon 2.8-13 and James 1.17-27.
Hymns this morning are:
For the beauty of the earth (350); Give thanks to the Lord; Everyone needs compassion; Build your kingdom here
Coffee and tea are available after the service.
Morning Prayer in St John’s Hospital is at 10 am.
The September edition of The Scribe is available for collection today. Thanks Yvonne!
Forthcoming Calry Service Times
Date | Title | Details | Sunday School |
8 September | Trinity XV | 11.00 am Service of the Word | ü |
15 September | Trinity XVI | 11.00 am Baptism of Chloe, Clara and Clinton
Afternoon Rosses Point Beach - Baptism of Abiola |
ü |
Gathering for Prayer
There is going to be a special gathering for prayer in Calry this evening at 7 pm. Please come and join in. There’s lots to pray about! But don’t worry – you won’t have to pray aloud if you aren’t confident about that.
Saturday 8 am Inter-church Prayer Meeting
7th September – Calry - If you’ve never been why not come?
Sunday School
Sunday School re-starts in a week’s time. Please join us! Will be great to see you!
Youth Ministry
If you are interested in being involved in youth ministry in Calry please come to the Rectory on Friday afternoon 6th at 3 pm for an initial conversation. NB: Attending does not guarantee you will work with young people.
All Saints’ Little Shelford
We are looking forward to a team from All Saints’ coming to visit us on the first weekend of October. If you would like to discuss some ideas for a women’s event and men’s event please get in contact.
News from Kindu, DRC
The very difficult situation with regard to food supplies has improved significantly with the arrival of the rice harvest and the dry season. However, please pray for church leaders as they face the challenge of corrupt political influence in the life of society.
Mothers’ Union Big Sing
On Sunday 8 September at 4 pm at St Paul’s Collooney will be a great opportunity to gather for a special service incorporating many of your favourite hymns. All welcome! Light refreshments served in aid of MU Mums in May project.
Safeguarding Trust Panel
The child protection policy of the Church of Ireland is called Safeguarding Trust. We are committed to abiding by it. If you have any concern about welfare of children or young people in parish activities or on parish premises you can speak to one of the members of the SGT Parish Panel in Calry:
Temi Ososanya: 089 989 0284
Hilda Latten: 086 086 9025
Ven Patrick Bamber: 083 365 8066.
Accommodation Needed
A mother with two teenage daughters is in need of rental accommodation in the Sligo area. Please contact the Rector if you can help.
200th Anniversary Commemorative Pieces
If you ordered one of Sharlene’s commemorative pieces for Calry don’t forget to collect yours today, with your €40 payment.
Well Done!
…to all the children who have just started BIG school! We hope that you really enjoy it make lots of new friends.
Thank You
Thank you very much to everyone who helps week by week with the running of Calry – the Wardens, those who clean the church mid-week, the flower arrangers, the technical team, the Welcome Team, those on refreshements, Marilin North for sending out these notes via MailChimp, the choir and Eunjoo, Canon Ronnie, Margaret Henry our Treasurer, Sunday School and Bell Tower leaders, Deborah Davitt for updating the FB page, Sneha Mathew for setting up slides for the service, all those who give time and money, Bible readers and everyone who prays for our fellowship.
Points for Prayer:
- schools starting again
- the sick in body, mind or spirit
- a cessation of the appalling hostilities in Gaza
- a change of heart in Russia towards the conflict with Ukraine
Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.
James 1.19b-21